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23 лютого 2018
Майстер-клас з журналістики даних (Німеччина)Для участі у майстер-класі потрібно продемонструвати високий рівень володіння англійською мовою. Також обов’язковими є базові знання з журналістики даних та вміння користуватися програмою Excel. Заявки приймаються в електронному вигляді на сайті (далі – англ.). The Interlink Academy for International Dialog and Journalism is offering a data journalism master class in Hamburg, Germany. The course is aimed at young and working journalist from Eastern European countries as well as from Germany. Skills taught By participating in the program, participants acquire skills in the following fields:
The participants are going to work on data-driven cross-border projects and publish their results. Attendance and E-Learning “Master Class in Data Journalism 2018” is a blended-learning program. It consists of two stages: a high-powered attendance phase at the beginning of the course in Hamburg, Germany, and a subsequent e-learning phase. The attendance phase in Hamburg will take place April 4-8, 2018. During their study stay in Hamburg, the participants acquire new journalistic skills in intensive sessions of lectures, practical group work, and discussions, with continued support from the teaching staff. After their visit to Hamburg, participants are going to work in international teams during the 6-week-long e-learning phase. The participants put into practice what they have learned at the Interlink Academy and work on international data journalism projects. Networking and sharing the newly gained knowledge with their colleagues back home will also play an important part in the program. After the end of the course, successful participants will be awarded a certificate of excellence. The Interlink Academy remains in close contact with the participants through its Alumni and mentoring services.
Trainers Courses at the Interlink Academy are run by highly specialized lecturers and trainers from Germany and abroad who have considerable experience with international study groups. We pay great attention to the journalistic expertise of lecturers as well as their experience as educators. The lead trainer of this course is Interlink’s data journalism expert Claus Hesseling. Sponsors and Partners The program is sponsored by the Rudolf Augstein Stiftung Foundation, the Hamburg Media School, and the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin and Gerd Bucerius Foundation. Costs Non-German participants receive a scholarship grant to cover international travel costs. During the attendance phases, the participants are housed in guesthouses or hotels at the expense of the Interlink Academy and receive an adequate meal allowance. Who can participate? The “Master Class in Data Journalism 2018” program is aimed at professional journalists
Applicants are expected to have demonstrated their journalistic talent as a member of an editorial team or as a freelancer. Basic knowledge in data journalism and Excel/spreadsheet software is mandatory. Applicants must have a good command of English (written and spoken), as the whole program is conducted in English. The Interlink Academy expects salaried editorial staff to be released from their duties for the duration of the attendance phases, while continuing to be paid by their employer, and to receive appropriate support from them during the e-learning phase. Freelance journalists should ensure that they are able to pay their ongoing costs in their home country during their stay in Germany. The attendance phase in Germany may require participants to compromise on their traditional diet and daily routine. Please note that the program can also involve physical challenges, such as carrying heavy equipment over long distances. Applicants must be in possession of valid international travel documents. How to apply Applications will be accepted from February 18 to March 4, 2018. They must be submitted online using the electronic application form on the Interlink Academy website. Please draft the required motivational letter with care. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Click here for the application form. КоментаріДодати коментар |
Запрошуються журналісти на майстер-клас з журналістика даних, що відбудеться в Німеччині. В цій сфері є багато недосліджених тем. Під час майстр-класу учасники отримають нові навички та використовувати їх надалі у транскордонних проектах. Участь у заході фінансується Rudolf Augstein Stiftung Foundation, the Hamburg Media School, and the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin and Gerd Bucerius Foundation. Учасники отримають грант на навчання та компенсацію витрат на проїзд. Дедлайн – 4 березня 2018 року.