Партнери УАВПП |
20 вересня 2007
Загрузите свежие новости от Всемирной Газетной Ассоциации!В выпуске: - The launch of a global WAN initiative to promote the power of the newspaper and to rectify some of the absurd and damaging claims being made about its imminent demise. - A review of the latest Strategy Reports from the WAN Shaping the Future of the Newspaper project. - A review of the World Newspaper Congress, World Editors Forum and Info Services Expo, which drew more than 1,600 newspaper executives to Cape Town, South Africa. - The latest world press trends data showing newspaper circulation and advertising are on the upswing. - New initiatives from the World Editors Forum, including the expansion of the World Editors Partnership Programme. - The latest press freedom, newspaper development and Newspapers in Education initiatives. - New publications from the WAN bookstore. - And much more! Смотрите онлайн версию газеты на Английском, Французском или Немецком языках или загрузите ее в pdf-формате. Ссылка: http://www.wan-press.org/article15068.html КоментаріДодати коментар |
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