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Посольство США Представництво Програми розвитку ООН в Україні Coca-Cola

29 серпня 2008

30 September – 2 October 2008 - 1st WORLD CONGRESS OF FREE PRESS

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1st WORLD CONGRESS OF FREE PRESS will be held in Madrid, in the Auditórium of the Meliá Castilla Hotel, on September 30th and October 1st  and 2nd, will finish.

In the Congress Webpage www.congresomundialeditores.org you can find all the information about the Congress and the subscription form (http://www.congresomundialeditores.org/en/inscripcion/inscripcion.xls ).

 If you still have any question whatsoever you can contact Mónica Blánquez - on +34  91 343 18 60




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