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24 січня 2008

15th World Editors Forum: Newsroom Integration - Why, How and When

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Is newsroom integration really working? Editors at four of the world's most prestigious newspapers will examine this question at the 15th World Editors Forum, to be held in Sweden in June, the Forum announced on Tuesday.


Javier Moreno, Editor-in-Chief of El Pais in Spain, Bruno Patino, President of Le Monde Interactif in France, Jim Roberts, Editor of Digital News for the New York Times, and Almar Latour, Managing Editor of the Wall Street Journal's wsj.com, will be featured in a session devoted to the successes and failures experienced by newspapers that are in the process of merging their print and online newsrooms.


Given the importance of the question, this year's Forum, to be held from 1 to 4 June alongside the 61st World Newspaper Congress, is devoted to the theme, "Newsroom Integration: Why, How and When."


The events, the global summit of the world's press, are expected to draw more than 1,500 newspaper publishers, chief editors, and other senior newspaper executives to Göteborg, Sweden. Full details are available at http://www.wansweden2008.com


The Forum, for senior newsroom executives, is held concurrently with the Congress, which will focus on multimedia growth, and Info Services Expo 2008, an exhibition of the latest products and services for newspaper companies. The events, organised by the World Association of Newspapers, are expected to build on the record-setting attendance of the past two years:

1,600 from 108 countries last year in Cape Town, South Africa, and 1,700 from 112 countries in Moscow, Russia.


Participants at the World Editors Forum will have the opportunity to examine a wide variety of integration experiences as well as hearing from editors who have decided that separate newsrooms are a viable alternative.


The conference will also look at such topics as newsroom design, new media training, user-generated content, mobile news, trends in hyper-local information and ethical dilemmas arising from user-generated information, copyright and other issues.


Confirmed speakers include:


- Rafat Ali, Editor-in-Chief of paidContent.org and MocoNews.net in the United States, who will speak in a session entitled, "is mobile news the new gold mine?"

- Reetta Merilaïnen, Editor-in-Chief of Helsingin Sanomat in Finland, who will address the hyper-local news model.

- David Dunkley Gyimah, Senior Lecturer in Digital Journalism at the University of Westminster in the United Kingdom, who will offer new media training for the new newsroom.

- Edward Greenspon, Editor-in-Chief of the Globe & Mail in Canada, who will speak about the growing importance of weekend editions.

- Ignacio Escolar, Editor-in-Chief of Publico, Spain, who will examine ethical dilemmas arising for newspapers and proposals for their resolution.

- Jim Kennedy, Vice President and Director of Strategic Planning for The Associated Press, who will present an international consumer study on the new consumption model for news.

- Chris Lloyd, Assistant Managing Editor of the Daily Telegraph in the United Kingdom, who will address new media training for journalists.


- Plus more speakers to be announced. For the evolving conference programme, go to http://www.wansweden2008.com/en/Conference/EditorsForum/


What's New for 2008:


- The release of the latest "Newsroom Barometer," an international survey of editors focused on editorial strategies, integrated newsrooms and the future of journalism.

- An exclusive lunch with Garry Kasparov, the former world chess champion who is leading the Russian opposition against President Vladimir Putin's regime.

- A breakfast meeting with Anna Efverlund, chief designer for the Swedish furniture company Ikea,  about future trends in graphic design.

- Exclusive studies released to Forum participants.


The Paris-based World Editors Forum (http://www.worldeditorsforum.org ) is the organisation of the World Association of Newspapers that represents editors-in-chief and other senior news executives. WAN, the global organisation for the newspaper industry, represents 18,000 newspapers; its membership includes 76 national newspaper associations, newspapers and newspaper executives in 102 countries, 12 news agencies and ten regional and world-wide press groups.


Inquiries to: Larry Kilman, Director of Communications, WAN, 7 rue Geoffroy St Hilaire, 75005 Paris France. Tel: +33 1 47 42 85 00. Fax: +33 1 47 42 49 48. Mobile: +33 6 10 28 97 36. E-mail: lkilman@wan.asso.fr


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